Please follow the link below for the text amendment approved at the Board of Trustees June 13th meeting, adding regulations for Short Term Vacation Rentals to the Township Zoning Resolution. This text change will be in effect beginning July 13...
More infoJuly 4th Weekend Events Schedule
Wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th of July!
More info2019 Road Resurfacing Program
The Road Department is working on drainage infrastructure to prepare roads for the 2019 Road Resurfacing Program. The contractor will begin work in July on the following Township roads: Baywood Rd Bevan St Big Valley Dr Caldwell Dr Cox Rd...
More infoJOB POSTING – Road Dept. Part-Time Office Assistant
The Coventry Township Road Superintendent is seeking applications for the part-time position of Road/Maintenance Department Office Assistant. The ideal candidate is a detail oriented person with substantial experience in customer service and...
Ad-YardWaste & Tire Drop-Off SPRING 2019_amb_15APR19
More infoJOB POSTING – Part-Time Assistant to the Fiscal Officer
The Coventry Township Fiscal Officer is seeking applications for the part-time position of Assistant to the Fiscal Officer. The ideal candidate is a detail oriented person with substantial experience in general accounting practices, accounts...
More infoTrustee Seat Open for Applicants
Township Residents interested in filling the Trustee seat vacated by the passing of Tom Seese may submit their letter of interest along with any qualifications to Administrator, Anna Bryant by March 7, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. Email: ...
More infoTrustee, Tom Seese
We are deeply saddened by the loss of long time Trustee Tom Seese who passed on Sunday, February 17th after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Tom will be missed by those of us at the Township and the residents he so graciously served...
More infoSanta Delivery Drop Off Location
The Coventry Fire Department will serve as a drop-off location for the 67th Annual Kiwanis Santa Delivery through Thursday, December 20th at 8:00 p.m. Please contact the Portage Lakes Kiwanis if you have any questions at 330-644-8967...
More infoIssue 42: Parks & Recreation Levy
WHAT IS ISSUE 42? ISSUE 42 is an additional tax for the purpose of operating, improving and maintaining our Township Parks. 0.5 mill tax levy for 5 years Cost to the owner of a $100,000 home will be $17.50 per year ($8.75 per half). ISSUE 42 will...
More infoCoventry Township trustees hear residents’ complaints
By Eric Poston (The Suburbanite) COVENTRY TWP. Loud noise and Airbnb homes have been a hot topic in Coventry this summer. During the Aug. 9 board meeting, trustees heard from several residents with concerns about the restaurants on the Portage...
More infoWork Remains on Schedule for Dam Improvements
Work this Week This week, to ensure dam safety during the construction of the new East Reservoir dam, the Cat Swamp was dewatered. ODNR installed temporary docks at the south embankment near the Clock Tower as an alternative water access...
More info