Many times we receive questions about how the property taxes residents pay on their home or business are distributed. The Township only receives approximately nineteen percent (19%) of the total property taxes that residents or business owners pay for all services that the Township provides. These services include fire and emergency medical services (EMS); Township road maintenance, repairs and improvements; the contract with the Summit County Sheriff ‘s Office for police protection; zoning enforcement; parks maintenance and improvements; cemetery maintenance and improvements; and Administration Office services. The Township must also maintain all of its equipment and buildings, which includes the Administration Office, Town Hall, Senior Center, Fire & E.M.S. Department, Road/Maintenance Department, and the Summit County Sheriff’s Office located in the Township. All Township officials and staff work diligently to reduce the burden on our residents through effective management of Township resources.

As illustrated – the majority of your tax dollars are spent on the school district. Coventry Township only receives 19% to pay for Fire & EMS, roads, parks & rec, cemeteries, zoning and administration.
For current information on where your tax dollars go please follow this link: