Zoning Commission
March 18 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Coventry Township Zoning Commission wishes to schedule a public hearing on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at 6:00 PM at Coventry Township Community Center, 335 East Willowview Drive, Akron, OH 44319, to consider the following zoning map amendments and text amendment applications:
2025-04-ZC. Brian Campbell, 2741 Foxwood Drive, Akron, OH 44333.
The applicant requests a change in the zoning district for property containing two parcels located at 889 Anchor Drive, Akron, OH 44319. Parcel Numbers 1909520 and 1909529 contain 1.0374 acres and are currently zoned B-3 General/Regional Business District. The request is to change the zoning district on the two parcels to R-2 Residence District.
The Zoning Commission shall forward the proposed zoning map amendment to the Summit County Planning Commission (SCPC) in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 519.12(E)(1)(a). The Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing to review the map amendment at its May 20, 2025, meeting when it has obtained the SCPC recommendation regarding the map amendment. The SCPC meeting is scheduled for April 24, 2025.
2025-03-ZC. Larry Kane, 1710 County Road 175, Jeromesville, OH 44840:
The applicant requests a change in the zoning districts for property containing eight parcels located at or adjacent to 3142 Main Street, Akron, OH 44319. Four of the parcels, Parcel Numbers 1904557, 1904558, 1904559, and 1904560, contain 0.4953 acres of land and are currently zoned B-2 Local Business District. The remaining four parcels, Parcel Numbers 19002295, 19002296, 19002297, and 19002298, contain 0.3995 acres of land and are currently zoned R-2 Residence District. The request is to change the zoning districts on all of the parcels to B-3 General/Regional Business District.
The Zoning Commission forwarded the proposed zoning map amendment to the SCPC on February 18, 2025, in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 519.12(E)(1)(a). The Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing to review the map amendment at its April 15, 2025, meeting when it has obtained the SCPC recommendation regarding the map amendment. The SCPC meeting is scheduled for March 27, 2025.
2025-02-ZC. Greg Gorospe, Ice Miller LLP, 250 West Street, Columbus, OH 43215:
The applicant requests the following zoning text amendments:
- Article 1.00 Definitions
- Section 12.01(B)(2) – B-3 Conditional Uses
- Section 23.21 Medical Marijuana Dispensary
The full text and drawings of these requests are available for public viewing in the Coventry Township Zoning Office from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, at 68 Portage Lakes Drive, Akron, OH 44319. You must contact the Coventry Township Zoning Office at 330-644-0785 ext. 695 or [email protected] to make other arrangements to view the plans or submit written statements before the hearing.
The public is invited to participate in this meeting.
Robert Henwood, AICP
Coventry Township Zoning Inspector