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Coventry Township Board of Zoning Appeals
March 11 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
The Coventry Township Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 6:00 PM at Coventry Township Community Center, 335 E Willowview Drive, Akron, Ohio 44319, to consider the following request:
2025-02: Cindy Velluci c/o Archer Corporation, 1917 Henry Avenue SW, Canton, Ohio 44706
The applicant requests three sign variances; one pole sign height variance, one pole sign area variance, and one building mounted sign area size variance. This property is located in a B-3 General/Regional Business District at 3040 Manchester Road, New Franklin, Ohio 44319, Parcel Number 1910602, and is a lot of record. The pole sign height variance is for 22 feet which is two feet or 10% more than the maximum height of 20 feet (Section 19.02.L.). The pole sign area variance is 93.3 square feet, which is 43.3 square feet or 87% over the maximum pole sign area of 50 square feet. The building-mounted sign area size variance is 122.8 square feet, which is 72.8 square feet or 146% over the maximum building-mounted sign area of 50 square feet.
The full text and drawing of the proposed variance requests are available for public viewing in the Coventry Township Zoning Office, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Monday thru Friday, at 68 Portage Lakes Drive, Coventry Township, Ohio 44319. You must contact the Coventry Township Zoning Office at 330-644-0785 ext. 695 or [email protected] to make other arrangements to view the plans or submit written statements before the hearing.
The public is invited to participate in this meeting.
Robert Henwood, AICP, Coventry Township Zoning Inspector