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Board of Zoning Appeals
July 5, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Coventry Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 5th, 2022, at 6:00 PM at the Coventry Township Senior Community Center, 335 E Willowview Dr., Coventry Township, OH 44319, to consider the following requests:
*2022-12: Larry Jenco, 79 Whitefriars Dr., Coventry Township, OH 44319- Requesting a garage floor space variance of 96 square feet from the required 768 square feet to construct a 24’x36’, 864 square foot detached garage <10’ from the main building, not to exceed 15’ in height. The existing attached garage will be converted to living space. The property is located in a R-1 zoning district at 79 Whitefriars Dr., Coventry Township, OH 44319. *This request was tabled in June 2022. (6.03 H, I).
2022-14: Jonathan Fleming, 1570 Meadowspring Cir. NW, Uniontown, OH 44685- Requesting a garage floor space variance of 237 square feet from the required 768 square feet to construct a 364 square foot addition to an existing 641 square foot detached garage. Also requesting to continue the sideline setback of 1 foot to match the existing structure for a property located in a R-2 zoning district at 114 Wymore Ave, Coventry Township, OH 44319 (7.03 H, I).
The full text and drawings of the proposed variance requests are available for public viewing in the Coventry Township Zoning Office, from 8:00 to 12:00, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 68 Portage Lakes Drive, Coventry Township, Ohio 44319. You must contact the Coventry Township Zoning Office at 330-644-0785 Ext. 2 or [email protected] to make other arrangements to view the plans or submit written statements before the hearing. The public is invited to participate in this meeting.