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Board of Zoning Appeals
August 4, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The Coventry Township Board of Zoning Appeals, 68 Portage Lakes Drive, Akron, Ohio, 44319, will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday August 4th, 2020 at 6:00 PM VIA ZOOM, a web-based video teleconferencing provider, to consider the following requests:
2020-09 Anthony Hillrich 778 Point Dr. Akron, OH 44319; Requesting a sideline setback variance from the required 15 foot setback to 5.3 inches (variance will be 14.7 feet) for a residential addition for a three-season room for a property in a R-1 District located at 778 Point Dr. (6.03C) Case tabled from July meeting.
2020-10 Ernest Sparks 620 N Sheraton Circle. Akron, OH 44319; Requesting a height variance of 1 foot from the required 15 feet and a total garage floor space square footage variance of 228 feet to construct a 24’x24’ detached garage with a height of 16 feet for a property in a R-1 District located at 620 N Sheraton Circle. (6.02, 6.03H)
2020-11 Lori Kreitzburg 3056 Greer Rd. Akron, OH 44319; Requesting a side line setback variance of 6 feet from the required 15 feet to build 9 feet from the property line and a square footage variance of 96 square feet from the permitted 768 square feet for a 24’x36’ attached garage addition for property in a R-1 District located at 3056 Greer Road . (6.03C, 6.03H)
2020-12 David Hovater 720 Jolson Ave Akron, OH 44319; Requesting a side line setback variance of 5 feet from the required 15 feet to build 10 feet from the property line for an attached garage with living space on the second floor with a total square footage of 912’, for a property in a R-1 District located at 720 Jolson Ave. (6.03C, 6.03H)
2020-13 Lewis Stamp 247 Aqua BLVD Akron, OH 44319; (TABLED BY THE APPLICANT 7/28/20) Requesting a lot area and permitted use variance for parcel #1910523 located at Carr Dr. and Aqua BLVD to create 4 substandard lots solely for detached garages with no living area fronting on Carr Drive, these lots will not be linked with existing lots for property in a R-1 District located at a parcel surrounded by Oak Grove Dr., Carr Dr., and Aqua BLVD. (6.01A2, 6.03F, 6.03G)
2020-12 Jeff and Jena Nese 3414 Waterside Dr. Akron, OH 44319; Requesting a side line setback variance of 5 feet from the required 10 feet to build 5 feet from the property line for a covered deck (already built) on the lakeside of the dwelling for a property in a R-2 District located at 3414 Waterside Dr. Akron, OH 44319. (6.03C)
The full text and drawings of the proposed variance requests are available for public viewing in the Township Zoning Office, from 8:00 to 12:00, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 68 Portage Lakes Drive, Akron, Ohio 44319. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, please call in advance to schedule an appointment. You must contact the Coventry Township Zoning Office at 330-644-0785 Ext. 695 or [email protected] to make other arrangements to view the plans or submit written statements before the hearing. The public is invited to attend this meeting online and voice comments they may have.
Due to constraints caused by the COVID19 pandemic, the meeting will be held via ZOOM – Please follow the link below to join the meeting.
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Topic: Coventry Township Board of Zoning Appeals – August
Time: Aug 4, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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